Assignment Creator: A framework for deeper student comprehension
Challenge and engage your students using tried and true templates and lesson plans that you can quickly use or tweak to fit your specific requirements.
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Assignment Creator
Create and deliver templates, assignments, and lesson plans effortlessly with the power of Lucid for Education's Assignment Creator.
The Lucid for Education team works closely with educators to create assignments, relying on their expertise to create collaborative, engaging, and active lessons. While there are many templates available in Lucidchart or Lucidpress's template galleries, Assignment Creator is specifically for the classroom and learning environment.
Whether you're looking for something in Lucidchart or Lucidpress, you can search through education-specific templates and lessons to find just the right assignment for your class.
By removing the tedium from assignment creation, you can do your best work without worrying about how to best present it. Browse our assignments for inspiration, use our teacher-made lesson plans, and get going.
Since Lucidchart and Lucidpress are visual learning tools, you can quickly measure a student's understanding and mastery of the content while giving more license to students to present what they've learned in unique and creative ways.
Assignments generated by Assignment Creator can be used with any of our integrations, so it's simple to incorporate our tools in your classroom.

The Lucid for Education team works closely with educators to create assignments, relying on their expertise to create collaborative, engaging, and active lessons. While there are many templates available in Lucidchart or Lucidpress's template galleries, Assignment Creator is specifically for the classroom and learning environment.