Expand classroom reach with Lucid for Education + Schoology
Bring together all of your Lucidchart and Lucidpublish content with our Schoology integration.
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Experience the best with our Schoology integration
Bring the Lucid experience into your learning management system. Lucid for Education's easy to understand integration provides a intuitive transition to and from the tools you are already using.
Use Schoology to distribute Lucidchart and Lucidpublish assignments quickly and easily.
Students and educators can share, view, and contribute to projects and assignments simultaneously using Lucidchart and Lucidpublish.
Lucidchart and Lucidpublish assignments are easily distributed to students. Once finished students use same portal to turn in assignments.
Lucid accounts are connected with Schoology accounts allowing for more learning and less hassle.
Use Schoology to distribute Lucidchart and Lucidpublish assignments quickly and easily.
The process of creating a chart can help students visualize and process the parts of a multifaceted problem or concept. Lucidchart makes it easy for students to create charts and share their charts.